Tea Drops - A new way to have your daily cup of tea

A great new product range of tea is Tea Drops, developed by a startup in San Francisco. 

Tea Drops are USDA organic pressed teas with spices and lightly sweetened with raw sugar, that dissolve in your cup. There is no tea bag used, so less waste is produced. Tea Drops offer a great assortment of teas. The 100% recyclable packaging protects each Tea Drop.

A great idea in a well established beverage category with 19.220 t of tea, which were consumed for example in Germany in 2016. While green tea was increasingly in demand over the last years, black tea is still dominating in most of the tea products sold in Germany and could gain back market shares in 2016. Currently the ratio of black and green tea is 72 to 28 percent in Germany. With an average of 28 l of tea consumed by a german adult per year, tea has developed as a beverage not only for breakfast in the morning or at a break in the afternoon, but also as a trend product which is linked to a lot of occasions being popular and recognized by many consumers worldwide as healthy and hip in contrast to coffee or other drinks.

For more data contact:

Deutscher Teeverband e.V., Hamburg


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